Carlisle And District Coarse Angling Club
Terms & Conditions

Carlisle and District Coarse Angling Club


    • Fishing is permitted from dawn until dusk (Without a night fishing permit).

    • A maximum of 2 rods per angler used at any time.

    • Fishing only allowed from designated pegs.

    • Anglers targeting Carp should be equipped with a suitable landing net (30”), unhooking mat and carp care kit.

    • No elasticated or fixed method feeders or other fixed rigs.

    • Keepnets may be used with a minimum length of 8ft (2.5m). The committee at its discretion      may impose a keep net ban on all club waters if it considers that such a move is in the best   interests of the fish.

    • Carp must not be kept in keepnets or slings/sacks unless during matches and returned asap to the water.

    • No fires or barbeques allowed.

    • Anglers must ensure that ALL litter is disposed of.

    • Fishing rods must not be left unattended whilst in use.

    • Anglers must be in possession of a valid EA rod licence (Crofton is visited by the EA on a regular basis.

    • Absolutely no alcohol or controlled drugs to be used whilst fishing. Anglers under the influence of these will be asked to leave the property.

    • The designated disabled platforms can be fished from however if a disabled member wish to fish, others can be requested to move.

    • Any displays of aggression or violence to any visitor or member of the club will result possible termination of membership.

    • The club membership card is not transferable and must be produced on request to any other member, club bailiff, or other authorised person as evidence of membership.

    • Members must not Cut or damage any trees, vegetation or other property, including digging of bait.

    • Members are expected to observe The Country Code.

    • Under 12yr olds must be always accompanied by an adult.

    • Gates must be always closed behind you and not left propped open.

    • Rods must not be left in the water and unattended.

    • Wading is not allowed, unless to free snagged fish or lines.

    • No spinning or lure fishing, drop shotting and jigging is permitted.

    • No treble hooks.

    • The boat is for committee members use only.

    • A maximum of 2 rods per peg allowed.


    • The starting and finishing times for the match must be prominently displayed at match headquarters and on all literature relating to the match. 

    • The match must be a pegged down competition. Pegs, preferably twenty yards apart and not less than fifteen yards, must be staked out and numbered prior to fishing. All pegs used under normal conditions must be of a state to give competitors a practicable and reasonable chance to fish his or her swim. 

    • Each competitor on drawing his/her number shall proceed to the corresponding number on the bank and this will be considered his/her fishing ground where he/she will fish. The peg must remain in position until the weigh-in is completed. 

    • Every competitor must fish from within one metre either side of his/her designated peg. On flowing water, the competitor may fish in the direction of the flow as far as the next peg. On still water, he/she may fish as far as half the distance between his/her peg and the pegs on either side. Where competitors are drawn on opposite banks, the limit of the swim is the line midway between each bank. 

    • The competitor will restrict their activities completely to these boundaries, neither his/her person, his/her tackle, his/her hook baits or ground baits may intrude into his/her neighbour’s swim. In an extreme situation eg snagged tackle of a snagged fish, an angler must seek permission from his/her neighbour/s before moving from his/her designated peg to try and remedy the situation. 

    • A competitor must not cause annoyance to, or seek to interfere with another competitor and must always act in a sporting manner. 

    • No competitor may move his/her peg or exchange his/her peg or draw card with another without the organiser’s official consent. 

    • No competitor shall buy more than one entry ticket for himself/herself from which it follows that all competitors must be strictly restricted to one draw. 

    • Competitors must retain all fish in keepnets which comply with the relevant EA Byelaws. 

    • Competitors must take every practicable step to keep their fish alive and, after weighing them, must ensure their careful return to the water. If, for any reason fish are seen to be in distress, a competitor or match official has the right to demand that they be weighed immediately and returned to the water during the match. 

    • A competitor shall have in use one rod or pole, one line and one single hook at one time, but may have other rods or poles and tackle assembled for use in position behind him/her, if possible, providing that no such other tackles are baited. (Excluding the Crofton Challenge 2 rod match).

    • Any bait, subject to local rules, can be used except live or dead fish, frogs spinning baits or artificial lures. 

    • No competitor shall have live or dead fish in his/her possession before a match. All competitors must submit to a search if requested by a contest official. 

    • Before the starting signal no competitor must on any account ground bait or loose feed the swim but will be allowed to wet a line, plumb the depth and test the float, mix and wet ground bait, clear his/her ground of weed or obstructions and position his/her equipment. 

    • On no account must a feeder be used before the starting signal. A ledger weight may be cast to find depth and distance etc, but a no time must the line be left in the water whilst continuing to set up other tackle. 

    • Competitors may receive assistance to or from their peg, or both, for themselves or their tackle, or both. 

    • All ground bait may be thrown in by hand, or by use of one or two-handed catapults, throwing sticks, swim feeders, bait droppers and bait cups, but no other mechanical means of projecting ground bait is allowed. No bait shall be introduced with a pole cup or bait dropper attached to an extra rod/pole whilst continuing to fish. 

    • Braid Hook lengths are not allowed 

    • Maximum permitted length of poles is 16 metres 

    • Floating poles are not permitted 

    • Floating feed baits are not permitted 

    • A competitor must strike, play and land his own fish. 

    • Hand lining fish is not permitted, this includes handling elastics and line, also not allowed is the practice of trapping stretched elastic with the hand down the length of poles sections. Fish should never be bullied like this. This does not affect the use of Pulla bungs and similar devices. 

    • Keepnets should be dry when arriving to fish as dry nets do not spread disease. Fish must never be handled with gloves or towels. 

    • Carp and silver fish must be kept in separate nets. no more than 100lbs in a net. Common 

sense must prevail when net weights are verified. 

    • Any competitor who abandons his/her peg having decided to cease taking part in the match but who decides to continue fishing must do so outside the confines of the length being used for the match. 

    • A competitor must cease fishing at the finishing signal. Should he/she still be playing a fish hooked before the signal is given, he/she will be permitted no more than fifteen minutes after time has been called to land the fish. 

    • All fish caught are eligible for weighing except for game fish and crustaceans. It will be the responsibility of the scales man to return all live fish to the water after weighing. Any fish suspected of being weighted or any fish considered suspicious by the weighers must be laid before the match organisers and the angler’s weight be not confirmed until a ruling has been obtained. 

    • If stewards recommended the disqualification of a competitor, they would weigh his/her fish in case the ruling is not upheld. 

    • Each competitor will be responsible for ensuring the correct weight of their catch is recorded by the Steward and sign the sheet to that effect. In any dispute the decision of the weighers and the organisers will be final. 

    • All fish must be weighed at the competitor’s peg. Unless the bankside terrain renders impossible, no catch shall be carried more than ten yards to the scales. 

    • Competitors are responsible for ensuring that their pegs are clear of litter and no competitor may have his/her catch weighed in who has litter lying on the banks of his/her swim. 

    • Any objection to an angler’s conduct, for whatever reason, must be lodged in writing with a match official or weigher within one hour of the end of the match. In all cases the objector shall inform the offender of his/her intentions at the time in order that he/she may speak in his/her own defence. Should an offender after receiving such a warning leave the match scene, the objection shall be deemed to have been sustained and the match organisers must inform him/her of their findings and punishment (if any) within seven days. 

    • All the foregoing rules are subject to the byelaws of the Environment Agency, and any local rules applicable to a fishery. 

    • Any angler proved to have been in contravention of these rules will be disqualified. 


    • Details of each angler making up the team must be entered on a team card (or sheet) which must be handed in before the match begins. No alterations in the make-up of a team will be permitted once the draw has begun.


 Please read carefully, the policy and rules below reflect and address many of the concerns expressed over the years and are subject to change or amendment by the committee. It is hoped to develop this aspect of the club subject to the smooth running of Night Fishing over time. Members are reminded that the introduction of this policy is for the benefit of all members and a responsible attitude should be taken to ensure that it continues whilst reminding yourself that Crofton Lake is a mixed coarse and ability venue. Breaches to the rules will result in disciplinary action being taken against a member in line with our membership disciplinary policy which may result in a ban being imposed. Any illegal activity on the club’s venue will be reported to the Police without warning and the member will be banned from the lake. 

1. All CADCAC rules apply to any member fishing at night on the Clubs waters. Night fishing presents some problems for the club in relation to health and safety and the following rules are in place to both protect the club and its members.

2.  Pegs for matches will be posted prior to those dates and members fishing at night are requested not to erect bivvies or set up/fish from those pegs.

3. Day ticket holders are not able to fish at night. 

4. Anglers will be restricted to one period of night fishing at a time with 24 hours elapsing before their next night fishing session.

5. Only fish from pegs that are suitable for night fishing, pegs 1, 22, 43, 44 and the canal area are deemed not to be suitable due to snags.

6. Anglers must not move pegs during the night and must only fish from one peg. 

7. All anglers must satisfy themselves that they are able to quickly and safely attend their rods.

8. Bivvies can be sited but must not encroach onto the paths. This includes the planting of holding spikes in the paths. 

9. A maximum of 2 rods to be used at any one time. 

10. Keepnets are prohibited. 

11. Guests of night anglers must also be fully paid-up members of the club. 

12. The consumption of alcohol and non-prescribed drugs is prohibited. 

13. Fires, other than personal gas camping stoves are prohibited. Portable barbecues are banned. 

14. All anglers must be in possession of a suitable landing net and unhooking mat, lighting and mobile phone. 

15. Upon request by a bailiff of the club, anglers must produce their membership card. Please ensure you carry it with you. Do not be offended if asked for the card, it is only for your wellbeing and that of the club.

16. Any anti-social behaviour during the night will result in the member being asked to attend a disciplinary meeting which could result in being banned from the club. 

17. Notice should be taken by members of the risks associated with night angling i.e., trips, slips, poisonous plants and the risks associated with/by others who may visit the lake without permission. As such anglers must not set up after dark.

18. Responsibility for the angler’s personal safety and that of his/her property brought to the lake must be accepted by the member prior to fishing.

19. Members fishing at night are required to ensure that all litter is removed from their chosen peg when they leave the lake. 

20. All members are reminded that when fishing outside the confines of their chosen peg, any member wishing to fish from any other peg can request that you vacate their area of water. This will reduce the risks of snagging lines and should be remembered if baiting outside of your area.


Junior Members 

1. Parents/ guardians must satisfy themselves that their child is able to manage the often-extreme conditions of night angling both physical and emotional, when deciding on taking them fishing. 

2. The club suggests that children under 12 may not be suited to night-time angling and insists that when fishing with a responsible adult member other than their legal parent/guardian that they be 12 years of age or older. Toddlers and babies are not able to accompany members at night.

3. Junior Members of the Club must be accompanied by a responsible adult member of the club who must choose a peg within 10 metres of the junior member. The Adult member must accompany the junior member should he wish to leave his angling area.

4. Adult members fishing with a junior member always accept full responsibility in this activity for the care and wellbeing of the junior member.

5. Juniors found to be without a responsible adult member will be considered “at risk” in law and this risk will be reported to the relevant authorities under Child Protection Policies and our legal duty of care. 

6. The responsible adult member nominated to fish with the junior will be responsible for the maintenance of the rules and byelaws of the club.

7. Only one junior member may fish with one adult member at any time unless fishing from the same peg.

 Adult members are reminded that if approached by a junior member to take them fishing, they will be held responsible for the welfare of the junior in law, including complaints made against them even if agreed by their parent/guardian. The Club would advise against any member taking a junior night fishing unless well known to them. As members of the club, we hope that you will enjoy night fishing and assist in the protection of Crofton Lake. Please report activity which you believe is damaging to the club or its members. Illegal activity should be reported to the police and to the committee as soon as possible. In order to fish a night session, you are required to agree and abide by the rules of the club.